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NEWS Last Updated: 29/04/24

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                                                                            MEAPRA Summer Event 29th June

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GALLERY Last Updated: 18/10/23

CONTACT Last Updated: 18/10/23

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Welcome to MERA online. The website of MEAPRA, originally The Manor Estate Residents Association (MERA) began in response to the plans to develop the surrounding Green Belt fields in 2004.  They were successful in “softening’ the impact with many changes to the plans before they were approved for construction.

In 2018 Manor Estate and Aspen Park joined forces to form MEAPRA

MEAPRA is a valuable resource to the community for issues raised by the residents, whether it is topics regarding development or voicing opinions on the general welfare of its community. It has a self-imposed mandate and is intended to help preserve the surroundings, as The Manor Estate and Aspen Park is a unique and wonderful place that we all love so much.

If you would like to be added to our mailing list to receive information on events and information regarding MEAPRA, please send an email titled "Mailing List" to

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